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🎚️ Faders forever,


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5 POWERFUL Tips to Optimize Your Mix

Learn 5 Strategies I use on every single mix!

No tech talk here. This small but mighty e-book isn’t about secret EQ frequencies, or how to side-chain your mix buss to your toaster oven. Nah. These are powerful concepts and mixing philosophies I return to time and again, which keep me focused, inspired, and deeply rooted in the music.

Newsletter & Blog

🎚️ How important are reference mixes?

🎚️ How important are reference mixes?

Faders Forever Newsletter

by Dana Nielsen Hey Reader! Ever wondered how I use reference tracks or manage my mix bus before mastering? 🤔 This week at Mix Protégé, we’ve been unpacking these questions with practical insights and real-world examples. Catch up on these vibrant discussions, member achievements, and the exciting new releases I’ve mixed for The Avett Brothers and Nir Felder. Let’s gooooo! 👂How important are reference mixes? This burning question in our Mixing Forum got me all fired up! 🔥 Check out my video…

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